Sunday, August 22, 2010

Premier Cab complaints

2 complaints about abusive Premier cab drivers: Is this worst cab service in S'pore?

Posted on 16 Aug 2010

STOMPers have sent in two complaints in a day about abusive Premier cab drivers. They want to know which company is responsible for Premier cabbies and hope that swift action will be taken, as in the case of Comfort-Delgro, which acts decisively on complaints.

STOMPer LindaOng was picked up by a cab driver who arrived late and kicked up a big fuss when she asked him to drop and her friends at different locations.

The STOMPer said that the driver of SHC 6170S arrived 20 minutes late despite the fact that they made a booking for the cab.

He refused her request to drop off one of her friends first and insisted on driving to Tampines, then resetting the meter to go to Bedok.

He scolded them for wasting his 'bloody' time when they tried to reason with him.

The STOMPer says that he also hurled profanities at them and chased them out of the cab.

In another complaint, Stomper Super Commuter said his holiday was ruined when he boarded a Premier cab at Changi Airport on his return to Singapore.

The scruffy-looking taxi driver was obviously in a foul mood, refusing to acknowledge even with a nod of the head the destination given to him,

Super Commuter told him the route to take. This was a shorter route that was more direct. When they were some kilometres from the destination, the moody driver said he was taking another route. Super Commuter immediately told him to take the original route.

But the taxi driver, Wong Woon Seng (taxi number SHB 8862X), insisted on his own route and started going into the right lane to turn. At this, Super Commuter told him to drive straight as per the original route.

This was when Wong became abusive, shouting at the top of his voice. When Super Commuter asked him to quieten down, he said that he was shouting because he was "kan cheong".

Now, who would like to be verbally abused by a stranger?

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