Thursday, April 30, 2009

吴庆康 - 当心词典 - 090430







“一朝得志语无伦次”的行动版,一不做二不休,索性将对方拒于千里之外,干脆利落直截了当,不必假惺惺,也要够狠才做得出,再不服就招来保安驱赶“闲杂人等”,非常欣赏。换人,甚至换心都不难,更何况换锁? 比较现代的同义词是骑劫网络密码,彻底cut you out entirely,甚至可能“劫用”。


“利用”过程完毕的最后状态,也是一种需要修炼才可向对象说得出口的最高境界。“你的贡献已经得到肯定”、“你的付出已经有了结果”、“你的努力现在可有了接班人”、“是时候享受生活”、“留你是大材小用不应局限你的创意发挥”,以上种种都是you or your services are no longer needed的美丽公关措词。






为显严重失态(oops,应该是事态)在“急中生智”下的自然动作。未必可以达到预期效果,但希望可以起着警示作用。 一般的内容不过是“发现可疑人物流连”或“有工人未经授权又拆又敲又换”等芝麻小事,其实应该找的是消防人员,毕竟主要不过是为了灭火。





Cat Fight

为什么不叫Dog Fight?因为猫斗有姿态,毛发冲冠、身体紧缩、凄厉尖叫、张牙舞爪,每一步骤都有看头。最重要的是,不论输赢,双方最后必定若无其事,优雅掉头,高贵离开,这就是猫最可爱的地方。



Tutor adv

Accident at Causway Point taxi stand

Cold Comfort for fare caught in a rage ride

Latest comments

Premlata, You are committing sin after sin. You deprived livelihood
for the poor taxi driver. Probably that day he was off mood. Now you
are not satisfied with $ 10 voucher. How much you want $ 1 million.?
Come on lah.. this is not US where crazy litigations are possible.
probably you will go to hell for your sinful mind.
Posted by: RetnamThillainathan at Thu Apr 30 08:39:21 SGT 2009

To the writer of this letter (obviously another WULIAO Singaporean
with too much time on her hands)

For crying out loud....what more do you want comfort to do??????They
have already terminated the cab driver's services and offered you a
$10 voucher....isn't that enough for you? In this time and age, when
people are hanging on to their jobs for dear life, you just caused the
cab driver to lose his! I'm not saying what he did was right - all I
am saying is be SATISFIED with what you got instead of demanding more!
Posted by: kmlm0630 at Thu Apr 30 08:32:42 SGT 2009

Kind cabby gives me free ride to airport when he can't accept credit card

Ferrari crushed in AYE accident

Speeding bus knocks into the boot of a taxi carrying passengers

Job losses could be worse if not for tripartite partners, says Lim Swee Say

Job losses could be worse if not for tripartite partners, says Lim Swee Say
Channel NewsAsia - Wednesday, April 29

SINGAPORE: The job situation in Singapore could have been worse given the severity of the global economic downturn, if not for the concerted efforts of the government, businesses and labour movement, said NTUC's secretary—general, Lim Swee Say.

Making the point in his May Day message to workers on Tuesday, Mr Lim said measures like the Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR) and Jobs Credit have made a difference in saving jobs.

He said: "Many companies, (when) faced with a situation of excess manpower, they either retrench the workers or find ways to keep the workers at the minimum costs. In the case of SPUR and Job Credits, they have come in very handy, enabling many companies either to defer retrenchment or reduce retrenchment.

"We have come across companies asking for more, but at the same time we also have companies which have taken concrete action to try to find ways to break even at a much lower level of revenue, and yet at the same time working in collaboration to take full advantage of the various schemes offered by the economic agencies.

"(But) there are companies which will keep asking for more, (regardless of) whether the government or the union can do more to support them. Our message to them is: as we go through this downturn, the pain will be so severe that it is not realistic to hope for a painless solution.

"What the government and labour movement can do is to lighten the pain and share the load. And what we need is for the management to take the lead as well and play their part to find ways to cut wage and non—wage costs."

In the unionised sector, retrenchments were reaching as high as 900 per week during the Lunar New Year period.

However, the number has now dropped to an average of less than 300 per week, averting a potentially explosive situation of massive retrenchment in Singapore, said the Labour Movement chief.

"Everyday when I wake up, the first thing I look at is: what is the level of retrenchment, how many more jobs have we lost?" said Mr Lim. "The second thing I worry (about) is whether every job lost translates to another unemployed worker."

Mr Lim warned that the battle against the downturn is far from over. He said the retrenchments in the first quarter of this year would not be the only wave of job losses, but just the first.

Therefore, it was important for the tripartite partners to gear up for tougher challenges ahead of them, and not be disheartened.

Besides tackling the immediate challenges of cutting costs and saving jobs, the NTUC chief said the labour movement has got to be ready for the upturn and hence the need to also ensure that workers are ready to take on new jobs and new openings in emerging markets and new growth areas.

Mr Lim said: "Our key challenge today is not one of unemployment challenge, but rather the structural unemployment challenge. There are still jobs today: e2i (the employment and employability institute) today has got about 19,000 jobs, the job seekers about 9,500. And yet overnight, we have not been able to match because of a mismatch of skills, because of expectations."

He added that the tripartite partners are addressing this problem with SPUR.

At the same time, Mr Lim added that it is also important for the country to keep building new capabilities, upgrade service quality and restructure businesses especially at the time of a downturn, so that it can be prepared to take full advantage when the upturn comes.

— CNA/yb/yt

Sunday, April 26, 2009

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ob Zhou Li Xin

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ob 梁波记表行集团主席 梁留德病逝 享年93岁

ob Workers bid Tiong Aik boss a final farewell


ob Ex-broadcaster and newsman dies

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Helping hand for the nation



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